Tom Lamprey Saddlery
Wade Saddle (TLS-Waderoughout)
This custom wade saddle in roughout is custom order. This is the base price. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Wade Light Lady 1/2 tooled Saddle (TLS-Wadelightlady1/2butterflybarb)
This custom wade lady light saddle in 1/2 tooled is custom order. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Will James Post Horn (TLS-Willjamesposthorn)
This custom Will James Wood Post Horn saddle in roughout is custom order. This is the base price. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Wade Saddle 1/2 Flowering dogwood (TLS-Wade1-2Floweringdogwood)
The wade saddle shown is a 15" flowering dogwood design. This is the base price with flower tooling. Please select from the following options or leave blank. This is a custom ordered saddle. Please call, text, or email for current wait times. Usually 9-12 months from deposit.
Wade Saddle 1/4 basket stamp (TLS-Wade1-1-4-basket)
This wade saddle in 1/4 roughout seat and fenders is custom order. This is the base price. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Wade Light Lady Saddle 1/4 diamond pattern (TLS-Wade1-1-2-diamond)
This wade saddle in 1/4 tooled, roughout seat and fenders is custom order. This is the base price with tooling included. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Wade Saddle 1/4 basket stamp (TLS-Wade1-4-baslet)
This custom wade saddle 1/4 basket stamped4950 is custom order. This is the base price. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Custom Modified Will James Post Horn Saddle 1/2 Flower Carved Sunflower (TLS-ModifiedWillJamesposthorn)
This Will James post horn saddle shown is a 15 1/2" Sunflower design. This is the base price with flower tooling. Please select from the following options or leave blank. This is a custom ordered saddle. Please call, text, or email for current wait times. Usually 9-12 months from deposit.
Custom Wade Saddle 1/2 Flower Carved Sunflower (TLS-Wade1-2Flower)
The wade saddle shown is a 15 1/2" Sunflower design. This is the base price with flower tooling. Please select from the following options or leave blank. This is a custom ordered saddle. Please call, text, or email for current wait times. Usually 9-12 months from deposit.
Bowman Saddle (TLS-bowmanblackladylight)
This custom Bowman lady light saddle in Vaquero border tooling is custom order. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Custom Wade Saddle 5/8 Flower Carved Sunflower (TLS-Wade5-8sunflower)
The wade saddle shown is a 15 1/2" Sunflower design. This is the base price with flower tooling. Please select from the following options or leave blank. This is a custom ordered saddle. Please call, text, or email for current wait times. Usually 9-12 months from deposit.
Will James Post Horn Saddle Tree (TreeWillJamesPostHorn)
Custom built Will James Post Horn Saddle Tree by Tom Lamprey. We only build trees for my saddle customers at this time.
Wade Saddle Tree (TreeWade)
Custom built Wade Saddle Tree by Tom Lamprey. We only build trees for my saddle customers at this time.
Wade Saddle Smooth Out (TLS-Wadesmoothout)
This custom wade saddle in smooth out is custom order. This is the base price. Saddle comes "Ready to Ride". Normal wait time is 9-12 months. Please order from the following options if you wish additional items installed.
Stirrups with Filigree Sunflower (Stirrupfiligree)
We hand make our Filigree and jailhouse stirrups in our shop. We use Nettles hardwood laminated blanks and apply the metal cladding. The filigree design is hand cut, filed, and sanded. Please select the stirrup size and type. Custom order only. Please allow 8-12 weeks
Stainless Steel Stirrup (StirrupStainlessSteel)
We hand make our stainless steel stirrups in our shop. We use Nettles hardwood laminated blanks and apply the metal cladding. Please select the stirrup type. Custom order only. Please allow 8-12 weeks
Merino Wool Saddle Blanet (SaddleBlanketMerinoPocket)
Merino Wool Saddle Blanket with stitched canvas top and adjustable pockets.
Jailhouse Stirrups (Stirrupjailhouse)
We hand make our jailhouse stirrups in our shop. We use Nettles hardwood laminated blanks and apply the metal cladding. Please select the stirrup type. Custom order only. Please allow 8-12 weeks
Tree Measurement Profile Sheet (TreeMeasurementSheet)
This is Tom Lamprey Tree Measurement Profile Sheet form in pdf. format
Please select the download button below to start your transfer. You can then print the form out. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me for further assistance.
Thank You,
Tom Lamprey